The Shortest Distance
Years ago, when I was still in school, I loved math class. I especially enjoyed word problems and geometry. It helped me form a thought pattern of logic which has been beneficial many times throughout my life. One of the principles of geometry that I still remember is that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Oh, how true that is, especially in my daily life with Jesus.
There have been many times in my life, since I gave my life to Jesus, that I have felt distant from my Savior [Psalm 22:1]. I have felt, at times, that if I turned around, I would not be able to see the bright radiance of His glorious presence [Habakkuk 3:4]. A fear begins to grow deep within my soul. It is a fear of turning around and finding out that I have distanced myself from the one who died to reconcile me to my Holy God [2 Corinthians 5:18]. The struggle for closeness to Him will take effort and time. There seems to be many steps to complete the process of confession, forgiveness, and restitution. A sense of failure and despondency begins to set in and if I do not address the issue at hand, they will lead me into hopeless depression.
The Holy Spirit is faithful and will begin to remind me of scripture which I have heard and learned over the years [John 14:26]. The truths of God’s Word [Psalm 119:160] are played over and over in my soul like a recording trying to get my focused attention. The Holy Spirit reminds me that Jesus is my Good Shepherd [John 10:11], that if I draw close to God, He will draw close to me [James 4:8], and that He will never leave me nor forsake me [Deuteronomy 31:6]. I want to peek over my shoulder and look, but the fear and shame from finding myself in this place again are overwhelming.
I have a choice to make before I just give up and stop listening to the Holy Spirit, who is gently wooing me back to the loving Father. I can continue staring ahead with my back toward God, or I can humble myself [James 4:10] and turn around, thus beginning the long road back to my Father of Light. I know what must be done for restoration to take place and for me to return to my place, so I humbly turn and begin the long walk back to God.
The surprising thing is that as soon as I humble myself and turn toward Him, He is instantly in my face. He is right there in front of me. He has been waiting all this time for me to turn around.
Each time I have wondered from God, it has happened just this way. God had not left me and just like in geometry the distance between a born-again believer and God is a straight line. The interesting thing about the straight line between God and His children is that it is so short it’s immeasurable.
Born-again believers need to simply renounce the fear and shame and humbly turn around. God does not play hide and seek with His children; there are no surprises with God. He is always there like He said. So, face Him and be enveloped in His perfect love.
Hugh Folds, Interim Pastor