Spiritual Warfare

Looking back over the months of March and April I looked forward to March as an exciting month for Sunset Park Baptist Church.  We were to enjoy Palm Sunday, Easter, and a Gratitude Sunday as we worshiped Jesus our Lord and Savior.  We were also going to have our second Meeting of Church with a fellowship covered dish lunch at which we were to talk about the future of the church at Sunset Park.  Also, in March we had planned a Church Conference.  But our best laid plans were disrupted with an outbreak of the flu which ran throughout the body of Christ.  I believe that this was spiritual warfare causing us to reschedule our meetings till April, as Satan has been and will be working to disrupt what Jesus desires for us to rise up and accomplish for His wonderful Name.

So far, we have seen him raise his head in opposition again as bad weather came on the Sunday before our April Meeting of the Church causing many to miss a message related to the Meeting [Ephesians 6:12].

These are important times for born-again believers in Jesus the Christ.  In being alert and paying attention to scripture, we are of the belief that the day of Jesus’ appearing is close at hand [Luke 21:28].  We cannot just sit around and wait for His glorious return.  We must continue to be busy for His Kingdom as the day approaches.  Jesus is busy fulfilling prophecy and drawing people to Himself.  Daily His followers are workers in His fields which are white unto harvest [Luke 10:2].  He is working out His will in and through our lives.

But let us not forget that Satan is working also, around, in and through the world [Ephesians 2:2].  When Jesus’ disciples become determined to follow Him and do His work, then Satan begins to work his schemes in an attempt to stop any and all furtherance of Jesus’ Kingdom [Ephesians 6:11].  Believers must remain resolute and steadfast [1 Corinthians 15:58].  We must resist with all our might with the strength of the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer [Ephesians 6:10].  We must continue to be faithful to burn brightly with the glory of the gospel becoming salt in the lives of those around us who are unbelieving [Matthew 5:13-14].

Let us pray for enduring strength to prevail in the name of Jesus.  Let us continue to resist the temptation to copout on our responsibilities as a follower of Jesus.  Let us daily service our Master and Him only.  Be faithful to Jesus and to His church in all things and be eternally blessed.

For Jesus’ Kingdom,

Brother Hugh Folds

Romans 14:17


Meditating on Jesus’ Goodness


New Year, Same Jesus