New Year, Same Jesus

The holiday season of 2023 has come to an end with the joyous encouragement of ‘Happy New Year’ to begin 2024.  As we think of a new year with all its hopes and dreams we also catch ourselves reflecting on last year.  It also began with hopes, dreams and prospects of success.  Plans for a better year were voiced with new determination.  If we are honest, not everything last year seemed to turn out so well.  Trials and trouble seemed to come out of nowhere.  They were unplanned and out of our control, challenging us to struggle through days, months and maybe even the whole year.  Yet this year we will be more determined, plan better and work harder to assure success.

The problem is that no matter how determined we become, how better our plans become, nor how hard we work, trials and troubles still pop up without notice.  Jesus stated that in this life we would face trouble and adversity [Matthew 6:34].  He also warned His followers that if He faced rejection and adversity from the world, then what should His followers expect [John 15:18-20]?

Knowing the troubles His followers would face in their daily lives, Jesus would not leave them helpless and hopeless [John 14:18].  Jesus promised that He would come to His disciples to help and comfort them.  This was not the promised second coming in which He would establish His Kingdom on earth, but His coming to His followers in Spirit [John 14:26].  So Jesus has given help and hope to each follower through His Word and His Spirit.  His Word is filled with the Law of God which leads His followers in righteousness and holiness, but it is also filled with awesome promises of grace which provide daily hope and faith for His followers[2 Peter 1:3-4].  It would be easy to be overwhelmed by daily trials and trouble, but by the faithfulness of His Spirit and His Word Jesus’ followers become overcomers [John 16:33].

In the midst of trials and troubles which will come in this new year, Jesus’ followers must remained strong in their faith [1 John 5:4], strong in their testimony [Revelation 12:11], and faithful in their good deeds [Romans 12:21].  In 2024 we must remain true to Jesus who is greater than all [1 John 4:4].

For Jesus’ Kingdom,

Brother Hugh Folds

Romans 14:17


Spiritual Warfare


Thoughts from the Week: 8/25/23