The Church

Throughout my years as a Christian, I have been a staunch believer and promoter of the church of Jesus the Christ.  It was in and through the church that I found hope and meaning in my life.  I was saved during a weekend revival at the church with whom my family was involved.  I believe in the church, hope in the church, and know that everything needed in one’s Christian life is found in the church.  But in society today around the world the word church has become synonymous with a building which houses a benevolent organization.  Now because of this skewed view modern society has as to the meaning of ‘the church’ I will choose to change my terminology to fit the Biblical meaning of church.  In scripture the church is the assembling together of baptized believers in Jesus the Christ.  It is the assembling of a group of Christians who choose to meet together for worship, encouragement, teaching, and service.  It is referred to as the Body of Christ, as the Bride of Christ.  It is the gathering together of the family of God here on earth as it is in heaven.  The church is people, to be specific Christians.  The church is more of a Spiritual organism than it is a religious organization.

The book of Acts is called the Acts of the Apostles, but it is more accurately about the birth and beginning of the church of Jesus the Christ.  It tells of the spread of Christianity from its birth in Jerusalem throughout the known world.

Many people today have given up on the church of Jesus the Christ.  They just do not care for ‘organized religion’.  Well let me be clear, I do not care for organized religion either.  But to give up on the church is to give up on the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Holy Spirit who indwells the church.  It is to give up on Jesus.

The problem is that when the church itself views itself as just a building or a religious organization to join and belong to, it has lost its way.  It becomes something it was not created, designed, or intended to be.  It becomes a worldly institution with no purpose or power from on high and finds itself captive to the expectations of a lost society.

Through the humble reviving of the church by the Spirit and power of almighty God, the church can and will become what it was intended to be.  It will find purpose through the Spirit and accomplish what it was meant to do.  Let us bow together and call upon Jesus to revive the church to its rightful place, a group of born-again believers joined together as lights to the world.  A group of believers who love and praise Jesus unashamedly.


For Jesus’ Kingdom

Hugh Folds

Interim Pastor

Romans 14:17


Thoughts from the Week: 8/5/22


Thoughts from the Week: 7/29/22