Thoughts from the Week: 4/8/22
Each Friday, I like to share some thoughts, learnings, and reflections from my quiet times during the week. I hope they’re encouraging and helpful!
Be blessed this week,
Pastor Hugh
It is not a person’s needs which causes Jesus to act on their behalf, but it is a heart turned toward Him.
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
The passage of time dims the memory of Jesus’ faithful mighty acts of grace.
“At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him, ‘Because you relied on the king of Syria, and did not rely on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Syria has escaped you. Were not the Ethiopians and the Libyans a huge army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet because you relied on the Lord, He gave them into your hand,” 2 Chronicles 16:7-8
We cannot abide in Jesus and abide in the world at the same time.
“You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4
The church in America is being humbled before the world due to it’s lack of restraint toward sin and it’s unfaithfulness to the Lord’s Word.
“For the Lord humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had made Judah act sinfully] and had been very unfaithful to the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 28:19
The thoughts and ways of the world are rooted in money and power.
“Now be it known to the king that if this city is rebuilt and the walls finished, they will not pay tribute, custom, or toll, and the royal revenue will be impaired.” Ezra 4:13
When I survey the social environment and culture of Yahweh’s creation, it is littered with broken lives and hopeless situations which moves me to call out to Jesus in tears.
“And they said to me, ‘The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.’ As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:3-4
When our situations are dire, we must guard ourselves and pray.
“And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.” Nehemiah 4:9
*All Scripture from the English Standard Version Bible.