Kingdom of God

So many Christians are satisfied with being saved and just living out this life.  When something good happens, we say we are blessed by Yahweh.  When we go through trials, we say that Yahweh has left us alone [John 14:18].  We are just trying to do the best we can and hope we make it in the end.  The problem with this laissez-faire attitude is that it is not what Yahweh has in mind.

Salvation through faith in Jesus the Christ changes several things about our lives.  First, our sins are forgiven [1John 2:12].  Second, our relationship with our Creator is made right [2 Corinthians 5:18].  Then, our eternity is set in Heaven [John 14:3].  We are endowed with the Holy Spirit of Jesus [John 14:16].  This is all true and is revealed in Scripture and assured by the witness of the Spirit [Romans 8:16].  There is so much more, but I want to look at one truth about salvation.

In Colossians 1:13-14 we are told that born-again believers in Jesus the Christ have been removed from the domain of darkness and placed into the Kingdom of Jesus.  No longer are they lost in the power of their own sinful flesh, nor that of Satan himself [1 John 4:4].  They are under the authority and power of Jesus [James 4:7] the King of kings and Lord of lords [1 Timothy 6:15].

Born-again believers are children of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Light [Ephesians 5:8].  They know the truth and the truth has set them free [John 8:36].  They are alive with abundant life from Jesus [John 10:10].  So, the life of a born-again believer is a life in and for the Kingdom of God.  There are several things about this kingdom which we should understand.

First, this Kingdom is eternal.  Since Yahweh has no beginning nor end, then neither does His Kingdom.  It has always been and will always be.  It stretches across time, space, and all matter.  The Psalmist puts it this way, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.” [Psalm 45:6]  And “Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.” [Psalm 145:13]

Second, this Kingdom is real.  It is a place prepared for the LORD and His followers.  In John chapter 3 Jesus is asked about the Kingdom of God and how a person can enter  it.  Jesus answers that a person must be born into it by the Spirit of Yahweh [John 3:5].

Since the Kingdom is eternally real, it is also an assured Kingdom.  This Kingdom exists and is based on Yahweh and His faithfulness.  Faith in Yahweh is faith in Jesus.  Faith in Jesus is faith in the Kingdom.  Jesus affirms this Kingdom in John 8:14 when He states, “Even if I do bear witness about Myself, My testimony is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going, but you do not know where I come from or where I am going”.  When Jesus was asked by Pilate concerning His Kingship Jesus affirmed His position and title as King of the Jews [Mark 15:2]. 

During His conversation with Pilate, Jesus mentions that His Kingdom is not of this world [John 18:36].  It is not part of the physical realm.  Since Yahweh is spirit and Jesus existed as spirit before His physical birth, then we would be right to believe that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom.  Again, as Jesus was speaking with the Jewish leaders about the Kingdom of God He states that the Kingdom would not come in ways by which they were supposing.  He told them that the Kingdom of God was present and in the midst of them [Luke 17:20&21].

As we have seen in Luke 17, God’s Kingdom is spiritually present with us now.  Jesus Himself is the entrance into the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit is the assured reality of its presence.  Yet the actual appearing of the Kingdom will be at the second advent of Jesus when He returns in power to judge the world [Luke 21:31].

If we return to Jesus’ conversation with Pilate, we will see the Kingdom’s presence among mankind has purpose.  Jesus said that He came to be a witness of the truth of God [John 18:37].  Again He states that He came to find and save souls which are separated from their Creator by their sin [Luke 19:10].  Jesus came for the hurting, those in need [Matthew 9:12&13]. 

Again in Jesus’ discussion with Pilate we find that the Kingdom of God is more powerful than any force on earth.  Jesus reveals to Pilate the massive force under His authority [Matthew 26:53].  Paul states that this Kingdom of God is one of immense power [1 Corinthians 4:20]. 

Many people today believe that the Bible and its teachings are out of date and irrelevant to today’s society.  But those who have been born again by the Spirit of Jesus through their faith in Jesus, know that the Kingdom of God is relevant to our world today.  Our everyday life is affected and influenced by our faith in Him and His Kingdom [Matthew 6:33].  As mentioned above, it will have an influence on our eternal destiny [Mark 1:15]. 

This Kingdom of God is a “Whosoever”’ Kingdom.  It is an inclusive Kingdom.  It is not for a particular group based on one’s nationality [Matthew 8:11], wealth [Luke 6:20], education, or position in society.  It is built on faith and trust [Luke 18:16&17].  The Kingdom of God is open to all who believe in and receive Jesus into their lives.  It is for those who through faith are born again by the Spirit of Jesus.  These are the children of God and heirs to the Kingdom [John 1:12, 13&14]. 

As heirs to the Kingdom of God, born-again believers are aliens in this world.  This is neither our home nor our resting place.  Since our life belongs to the King of the Kingdom, then each day we live, all we do, what we say, is for the Kingdom and the glory of the King.

For the Kingdom,

Brother Hugh Folds

Interim Pastor

Romans 14:17


Thoughts from the Week: 3/4/22


Thoughts from the Week: 2/25/22