Good Morning
If you have ever passed by me you will have heard my common greeting to all, “Good Morning.” It does not matter the time of day, for the greeting is always the same. I began using this greeting many years ago just to see how many people would notice. People will say, “It’s not morning,” to which I will answer, “It is morning somewhere and besides, morning is the best part of the day.” Morning is a wonderful time of the day. It marks a new day with new opportunities. It represents a fresh start and a new beginning. For a born-again believer it is a reminder of God’s faithful grace which is new every morning. Daily grace [Lamentations 3:23] is stored up in God’s heavenly vault just waiting for withdrawal to meet some pressing need [Hebrews 4:16]. It’s ours for the asking. So each morning as we expectantly cast our sight across the day’s unseen canvas of events, we have no need to fear or be anxious, for God is there ahead of us, fully prepared for the day’s events [Philippians 4:6]. Praise the Lord for the workings of His unseen hand in our daily lives.
The same can be said for each new season of life we enter. Two-thousand and twenty-one has been a time of great expectation. In ways we are like the crew of the starship Enterprise, who are courageously going where no man has gone before. The difference is that each born-again believer will enter each new season of life escorted by the awesome almighty God of the universe [Matthew 28:20]. There will be new challenges and opportunities [1 Corinthians 16:9], which will be accompanied with abundant provision of God’s grace upon grace [John 1:16]. God desires to show Himself to the world and has commissioned Christians for the task of living a Christ-like life through which He is revealed [Matthew 5:16]. An awestruck world will question the difference they witness in believers’ lives as they begin to seek for answers.
Here at Sunset Park Baptist Church, we have been blessed with a magnitude of opportunities in our present season of life. These opportunities lead us into great occasions to see the Lord work, as we face each day together. The Body of Christ must enter each opportunity united by the Holy Spirit [John 17:21]. He will draw us together in prayer as we seek His will in each opportunity if we allow Him to work in us and through us. He will draw us together in expectancy of His will each day. He will draw us together in purpose to fulfill His will each day. Also, He will draw us together in praise and adoration for our Heavenly Father.
The greatness of God will be manifest to the world as we acknowledge the daily work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Glorify Him through your life in this new day, and by the way, ‘Good Morning’.
When the fullness of the Holy Spirit is worked out through the gifts of the Spirit and evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit in a born again believer’s daily life, then the light of Jesus shinning out into the world becomes a reality.
“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’” John 8:12 [NAS]
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;” Matthew 5:14 [NAS]
Bro. Hugh Folds – Interim Pastor
Matthew 6:33